Today was very nearly a disaster. I went out to collect my Laptop from the PC Guys, and found out it wasn’t ready as it was not just clogged with dust and overheating, but it was also infected with viruses. So I’m stuck using this old backup laptop that only two steps up from an abacus. Then to the bank, not open. When it did open 20 minutes later, I had to wait for another 15 minutes while the cashier shuffled papers around. I was very nearly late down to Wild Geese HQ to open up. That would not have been acceptable! My guys should not have to wait around while some obese desk jockey has a moment of authority!
Maybe I should have given her my card….
Anyhow, I got into Wild Geese and decided to do my own training before anyone arrived. On the cards is Heavy Upper Body. My program at the moment is a 4 day split aimed at building up some strength. It consists of two heavy and two light workouts as follows: Mon – Heavy Lower Body Tues – Heavy Upper Body Wed – Off Thurs – Light Lower Body Fri – Light Upper Body.
I’m using the Kettlebell Snatch on lower body days and Jerks on upper body days for high rep finishers.
So far it’s been going well. I started purposefully light so as not to aggravate my injuries and progress was going just right. Untill yesterday.
I missed training. Tuesday is my busiest day, I just didn’t have that time slot I needed for my workout. I know how I preach about no excuses and time-saving training etc. But yesterday was a non starter. To complete the workout would have meant cutting the warm up short, no chance, not while coming back from the shoulder injury.
However, I simply postponed. So today I start to warm up. Immediately I feel the good shoulder pulling. So I did something unheard of in my history of training. I stopped. Thats right, in my old age I’m getting sensible!
To continue would have stopped me training for the next week even two. So by skipping a heavy upper body, I can pick up on Thurs with Light Lower and then hopefully friday with Light Upper.
We shall see.
Today wasn’t a complete wash out though. I placed a medicine ball at each end of the room, 14 meters apart, picked up a pair of 24’s and did the lunges of death. 6 lengths of the room, or 84 meters of walking lunges. This took me 5 minutes to complete, just in time for my first Lunchtime Fitness appointment to walk in.
We all get injured and life always gets in the way of training from time to time. The trick is to keep your head up and work around it. If you’re still breathing you can still do something.
If you’re not, call a doc, fast!!
In other kettlebell related news I have 3 announcements for you:
On May 9th, I will be running a Level 2 workshop and Wild Geese HQ, get in touch to book a place.
A friend of ours, Canadian based personal trainer The Girl With No Name, recently took to Kettlebell Lifting, she will be telling of her experience under the bell and answering questions via Twitter chat tonight. Details on
Me old mate over in Edinburgh has finally announced dates of a program he’s been working on, “The Way of the Kettlebell” Knowing Rannoch, this will be very well thought out and very detailed. If you get to one of his workshops before I do……….well enjoy. More details here:
Regards Dave